Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It can only be uphill from here?

Only 24 hours into the husband's two week absence and I've already:
-Let the twins have it with both (verbal) barrels for being snotty and unhelpful
-Wept openly in front of all four kids
-Not done housework that other women would consider basic to health and happiness
-Spent $40.00 on lunch (OK, it was for me and all four kids, but remember, this is Pittsburgh not SoHo. $40 on lunch here is a major wing ding).

The husband called and said he had a three hour stroll around Chapel Hill and ate dinner at a charming artsy Co-op hot bar. i'd be pissed, except I know my boy and he's already getting homesick.

Better get to bed. it's going to be a long one tomorrow.

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