Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kids say the darndest things....

Riding in the car, the other day, my youngest piped up from the back seat and said, "Look mommy! Vietnam!" (Her oldest sisters were adopted from Vietnam). I looked where she was pointing and saw a bumper sticker that said "Vietnam Vet."
"Hmmm...." I said, noncommitally, basically ignoring her.
Then she said, "So that person's a veterinarian?"
I said, "I don't know. Why?"
"Well, that's what it says... Vietnam Vet."

Vietnam Veterinarian. It's been making me smile for days. Don't you wish we lived in a world where hoards of young men and women were trained as veterinarians and sent abroad to heal other country's ailing animals? I think we might actually have achieved peace in the Middle East by now if, in Iraq and Afganistan, we had squads of people going house to house saying, "Open up! We hear you're harboring a sick goat in there! We're here to help!"


yellowdoggranny said...

i think it would be wonderful if they knocked on the doors and said
'we're not here to kill you, we have food and clean water.'

Elizabeth said...

Oh Granny, you crazy dreamer.....!

Doralong said...

I vote we send a horde of kids with that same precious and unpolluted view of the world abroad- I bet we'd have far better results in the interest of diplomacy than the world has seen in decades.

JB said...

Stories like this almost make me want kids...almost.

unokhan said...

hi! drivin by from ydg....

"Don't you wish we lived in a world where hoards of young men and women were trained as veterinarians and sent abroad to heal other country's ailing animals?"

actually, if u substitute 'veterinarians' with 'doctors' and 'animals' with 'people', you describe a situation similar to the one which prevails in cuba today.

btw, tho memes are usually skippable, the book meme is cool and fun.

Elizabeth said...

JB: It is adorable. And there are wonderful pay offs to having kids. But you know I don't blog about the times at the end of the day when this sweet little motor mouth (wonder where she gets THAT from, said the pot about the kettle it was calling black....) won't stop talking and I'm exhausted and all I want is ONE. MINUTE. OF. PEACE. AND. QIET!!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

unokhan: Thanks for pulling over the car and commenting!

1. The (Salvadoran) step-daughter of a friend of mine is in medical school in Cuba... Of course there are problems with a totalitarian regime like Cuba's (and don't even get me started on the problems with the U.S. government!). But it's pitiful that we go out in the world with out big guns, and Cuba, a country that we vilify, makes and send out Doctors.....
2. It's one of the nicer memes, isn't it? Easy to do, interesting, and revealing at the same time!

sageweb said...

oh that is precious. What a nice world we would live in.