The U.S. government is reevaluating the military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy for gays and lesbians. Predictably, some people are organizing against its revocation, claiming that will "undermine morale." I could go on endlessly on how wrong-minded and simply wrong that is (In the Israeli Defense Force, for example, "It's a non-issue... You can be a very good officer, a creative one, a brave one and be gay at the same time."Link)
But nothing I say can possibly say it better than this incredible tombstone.
Bad for morale? I think not! Silly, silly people!
Well said.
made me weep....
A brave soldier and a very brave man...
That is an awesome tombstone. I spend a lot of time in cemeteries, and I've yet to see one with such sentiments.
This makes my heart hurt.
haven't these people heard of Alexander the Great?
Seriously, folks.
wow that says so much. when will the USA realize The Gays are normal people.
This is one of the things that make me feel deeply ashamed. It is a painful time in history. Someday soon it will be different, and our children and their friends will have difficulty believing or understanding how we could allow this inhumanity and injustice.
Wow, that is a powerful message. Thanks for posting that photo.
I'm a veteran, and just want to say that the whole lowering morale business is bullshit -- it's not even about the gay service members, it's about the few straight ones who still have an issue. But guess what, it's the military, baby, so if DADT goes away, and it becomes policy that gays can serve openly, then those few straight soldiers who still have an issue will just suck it up and drive on, like they do with any other issue. Because at that point, it's policy, it's about the mission, not about your personal issues, soldier.
They'll deal. It will be fine.
First time visiting your blog. Love it love love it...looking forward to reading more!
All - Thanks so much for your comments. I've been distracted with various kid-related things (sickness, spring breaks, etc, etc) and have been neglecting you all!
It's an amazing headstone, isn't it? And Cowbell, exactly!
Kathleen - Thanks so much for visiting and commenting! I look forward to visiting your site too.
I'm doing my final performance to graduate from my university on the don't ask don't policy and that photograph not only brought me to tears but will now be shared with my entire department. beautiful. Thank you so much Elizabeth
rellorbabe - I'm so glad you'll be able to use this! Please, if you can in that format, give credit to the original photographer (a flickr friend of mine).
Ouch, my heart. Please visit or join Knight's Out, Dan Choi is the head of this org. I have never joined a military organizition or one affiliated with the military, but as soon as heard of them this commie pinko vegan peace activist rushed to sigh up!
Thanks for this photo, it says it all.
Zelly -I will definitely check it out! I saw Dan Choi on Olberman and was so impressed with him. A brave, intelligent, wonderful man and a true American hero.
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