I got an email from Oprah today (yeah, we email and "LOL" at each other like crazy). She wrote "Fifteen years ago, I wrote in my journal that one day I would create a television network...." Girlfriend, you too? Actually, fifteen years ago, my twins were babies and, if memory serves, I wrote in my journal, "One day I hope to create enough time in my life to watch a television network that doesn't feature a purple dinosaur." Anyway, like Oprah, I have achieved my goal. Why some nights I'm able to watch Law and Order on a couple of different channels! Hmmm.... Note to self, must have better goals to write in my journal.
You're so well connected, I'm jealous.
From simple goals comes great things! And I count, as I know do you, the twins amongst those great things!
Are you sure? I could have sworn I saw a big purple dinosaur on Law and Order the other night. Dead, with a bullet to the big purple head, but still...
Isn’t that a coincidence, I often write megalomaniac superego statements in my journal too.
Dear journal, One day I hope to create my own planet...
Dear journal, One day I hope to create a brand new species...
Dear journal, One day I hope to create the heavens and the universe...
I hear you on the Barney business but in my house it’s Handy Hannah and Manny Montana. Is there a Law and Order episode where they get killed off?
You wrote a journal entry that modest and restrained when your twins were babies and you probably hadn't had a night's sleep in a year? Holy crap, canonize that woman right now, she's obviously a saint!
So funny, I dont write anything in a journal..I dont want it ti be used against me.
I used to be a big Oprah fan, then she raked James Fry over the coals on live tv because he lied in his book about his drug life..I'm thinking of course he lied..he was a crack head..a alcoholic and that's what they do..they lie..about everything..that was just a horrible thing to do to him..never liked her or watched her sense..
I think you used LOL in the wrong context...nevermind though, I got the point! (OMG, IDK, W/E)
<3 L
Dr. Monkey - Yeah, I know. It's because I'm more special than anyone else.
willym - Aw.... You're absolutely right. And I would never trade the richness of that for any worldly success (though both would be nice!).
Jason - That cracked me up! I'm sure it would be an utter ratings bonanza for them!
Ayem8y - Wait just a cotton pickin' minute! You're not Dick Cheney are you?
Re Hannah Montanna - sound of L&O chime "Da Dong" (Manhattan, District attorney's office) "...and after she went missing, all they found in Miss Cyrus's apartment was a blood-covered blond wig."
Margaret - Honestly, I doubt I wrote much of anything coherent in my journal when the kids were really tiny!
Sage - Wise woman!
granny - I don't actually watch her much, but I did watch that episode! It didn't bother me! I did kind of think he deserved it.....
L - Oh you silly goose! Of course I did! And I even did it kinda on purpose!
My goal is to become Captain of the Starship Enterprise.
15 years ago, I was about a month away from finding out my marriage was due for the shitfan of impending divorce. My goals at that time were pretty much to survive and not kill him. So yeah, I guess I've met my goals too. Take that, Oprah.
This has NOTHING to do with your most recent post, but I just thought I'd drop a line to say Thank You for the beautiful post you wrote last December in honor of Micah Sabraw. He was your friend, he was my first grade teacher, and we both adored him, so. I was writing about him on my own blog earlier, & so many of his former students emailed me within an hour to say, "Yes! He was my favorite teacher, too!"
My memories of him might be a little tamer than yours; after all, I was a child when I knew him, and I would become enamored with men like him much later in my life...LOL... but it seems like both of us were so blessed to know him.
Thank you for the entry you wrote. anything I can learn all these years later about my old teacher's life before Carthay Center School's Room 7 is a gift to me.
Clearly Miss J needs to get her journal-writing into a more focused place.
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