Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have to admit, it's getting better

Hello my dears, just wanted to give a final health-of-the-husband update, and then I hope we can put this all behind us and get on with more frivolous fun.

It appears that his stomach and esophagus have begun to work again. He's still on meds to force them to work, but has forgotten the meds a couple of times recently, and the food went down happily. So now he has to try and get his weight back up - to go from concentration-camp skinny to regular-old-him skinny. So, after all I've been through, this poor middle-aged woman has to endure watching him force himself to eat ice cream, buttered toast, cookies, whole milk.... The illness, the ten-hour surgery, the ICU vigil, I could manage. But this .... is torture.

He gets on the scale every day and comes downstairs bitching about how hard it is to gain weight. Well that's what happens when you send a man in to do a woman's job. I can gain weight on a moving tread mill. I can gain weight with my eyes closed AND my mouth closed. I'm that gifted at it.

So you can see that the world is slowly settling back on it's axis and my priorities are slipping back toward self absorption. I still feel like one of those stuffed animals our dog disembowels all over the living room carpet; floppy with just a little bit of fluff left inside. I haven't had anything remotely resembling a deep thought in ages. Don't want to think. Just want to garden and watch things grow during the day, and pursue escapist piffle at night. In the words of the immortal John Lennon, "Whatever gets you through the night." Right?


Doralong said...

Deep thoughts can surely wait quite a bit longer- just exist, enjoy and breathe for a while. That and ignore him whiles he's scarfing down the Chunky Monkey..

Susan said...

"I can gain weight on a moving tread mill. I can gain weight with my eyes closed AND my mouth closed. I'm that gifted at it."

Ha! Don't we women know it. Glad to hear things are gradually getting back to healthy and normal for you both!

sageweb said...

You made me laugh...I swear I can gain weight from smelling good food. I am glad things are getting better.

Miss Janey said...

Exactly right. There will be plenty of time for deep thinking alter. There is much to be said for gardening and piffle somedays.

So glad to hear he is getting better.

yellowdoggranny said...

i can walk thru the cookie aisle at the grocery store and pop the buttons on my jeans...walk by icecream cases and my pants will stretch at the seams..but i have found out that if you eat ice cream in the dark you dont gain wait as the fat doesn't know where to go...that's my story and im sticking to it..
glad things are back to 'normal' for you..and bitch slap your hubby once for me...'how hard it is to gain wait'...if he had tits he wouldn't be saying that..

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, I am so glad that things are on the upswing! It's probably best to look at progress week by week, instead of how things appear on a daily basis. It's so hard to notice the progress made daily when you have to deal with such huge issues! I bet he has made a giant leap from where he was a week ago, and I'd lay money on the fact that next week at this time, he'll be doing even better!

Your escapist piffle at night is probably what keeps you on a somewhat even keel during the day!! Ha!

My thoughts are with you!

mrpeenee said...

You know what everybody has already said about being so gald things are calming down? I say, Me Too. Yay for gardening, there's something so calming about dirt.

Willym said...

I've been remiss in posting comments and in some cases reading though I've been checking almost daily to see if there have been progress reports on KH. Glad to hear that things are progressing - if not as quickly as you wished - at least steadily. I was in a lovely church by the Trevi Fountain yesterday - and as has become my habit I lit a candle for all of us and our needs - you are all still in my thoughts.


Elizabeth said...

Thanks all of you. And William, no worries. I've been remiss in just about everything lately....

more cowbell said...

Hey Elizabeth, I'm so glad to hear he's on the upswing. I admit to feeling pretty pissy about that whole ice cream thing, though.

Don't think. Sometimes we just need to take a break from that, and breathe.

mumbliss said...

Hi cuties,
I am supposed to be doing bills, but I snuck over here for a moment. I have been distracted from checking in with you, by the distractions of daily life. I miss you. We have had a college choice, a returning then leaving again beloved son, a prom,a graduation, an upcoming end of the year and all kinds of tangles, and a suddenly summer. How did it all happen? Sometimes life is slow, waiting for the healing of the stomach, and trying to find the fluff bits and the piffle bits to stuff back into the torn stuffed animal skins, and.. somtimes its all about gripping the ribbon at the end and hanging on tight so you don't fly off into orbit while all the appointments and celebrations and profound life moments happen without you. I am not thinking much, but I am sending love and a rain check for thinking or maybe helping to find bits of fluff. Have you checked the bottom of the ice cream containers? That is often a lucky place. My love, as usual, and always to dear K.H. and the poulets in the nest.
P.S. I have often found fluff at the bottom of a good big hole in the dirt. Maybe I will meet you in China? Maybe we can find some buried treasure. That would certainly hlp with the bills. SIGH, love and kisses, luckily I don't have to lick the stamps anymore. That really was insult to injury. XXXOOO mumbliss