Remember that game, Whack-a-mole, where you smack down one mole with a mallet and another pops up nearby? Ah, my husband, my husband, my husband - love of my life and a veritable whack-a-mole of new and mysterious symptoms. Before his recent surgery he had headaches. Every day. For a year. ("Stress," he told me. "Just stress.") He had massages, physical therapy, practically everything but an exorcism. Till he had a ten-hour surgery which solved the headaches.
Now his foot is hurting. And he's been to physical therapy, to a podiatrist, and a doctor of orthotics. Yesterday the pain was so bad that couldn't stand on it. So I took him to the hospital where he had a jillion tests, including a nuclear (!) bone scan. So after a day of post-traumatic stressing out (which I treated with the nonmedical version of valium - Hagen Daaz), I'm a little calmer and waiting, once again, for test results. If it was anyone else it would be arthritis or gout. With him, who knows? I just hope they don't amputate. I kid. Sort of.
My lord you're going to end up with the bionic man. Kidding of course, hope all goes well and its something really really really minor.
Baci and good thoughts from all of us here in Rome - well actually Arachova.
oh my goodness. I'm saying a little prayer for him...and you too.
(and at least you pronounced that correctly ("nuclear!")...unlike some soon-to-be-forgotten folks )
Oh dear! At least he fessed up this time, perhaps he's learned a lesson? Hope all comes back clean and it's a good old fashioned case of the gout!!
monday i'll drive by st. mary's, light a candle and say a prayer...would do it tomorrow, but the place is full of repenting catholics and they make me nervous.
Ruh-roh --- hopefully it will turn out to be nothing worse than some crazy fungus under his toenail. Like that icky commercial. Good thoughts...
WOw I hope he is alright. I had a bad foot problem where it hurt that bad...I had surgery to clip a naughty tendon and shave a little bone..and I have never felt better.
If only Haaaaaagen Daaazs (Or however you spell their made-up name) made valium flavored ice cream.
Thanks, all, for the good thoughts and candles. We still don't know what's going on. The fancy expensive nuclear bone scan told us that ... (drum roll) ... that he had a sore toe!
Anyway, for now, he has a ridiculous orthotic shoe, which I can make fun of at least, so that's something. Hope those of you who are doing Thanksgiving have love around you and lots of food in front of you. Come to think of it, I hope the same thing for those of you who don't do Thanksgiving. You can't go wrong with food and love.
Hope the foot turns out to be nothing serious - must be very anxious-making though. As Dora said, at least he's fessing up! Glad that you have a silly shoe to make fun of..you always find the silly shoe amongst the awfulness and nonsense..
Take care!
Miss J will add you all to her prayers.
Mr. Twilight - Thank you, dear, for saying that about the silly shoe. In an odd way that's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me (and I know it's something you and I share). Yes, it's anxious making.... I always wanted to be married to a man of mystery, but not medical mystery! Ah well.
Miss J - Thanks! I'll take all the good juju I can get.
Mr. Peenee - Valium-flavored Hagen Daaz! I think that's the perfect new product for this economy!
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