Tuesday, March 17, 2009


(A friend explaining to her boyfriend how it is that their favorite barista is also a well-known local tranny.)
"Every tranny needs a day job!"

I think that's going to be my new motto. I think I'm going to get a tee shirt that says that, just to mess with people's heads.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

A job for every tranny and a chicken in every pot!

Thombeau said...


Doralong said...

We all have to pay the rent...

sageweb said...

Very true, and very clever...

Anonymous said...

I have a T shirt with Che Guevara written across it. Someone at Shop Rite thought it denoted CHEESE.

Don't know why that came to mind reading this, but it did.~Mary

Pyzahn said...

Am I the only person who doesn't know what a tranny is?

Elizabeth said...

Pyzayhn - It's short for transvestite.

a thousand shades of twilight said...

Ha! I love it! It works on so many levels..

more cowbell said...

Beautiful. Terrific t-shirt material.