Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A little epigram-poem-thingy I wrote


Regret I
know is just a bone gnawed
clean of its marrow, best buried
and forgotten.  And yet
I regret.


yellowdoggranny said...

wow. I love this..I love your words.

a thousand shades of twilight said...

I never trust a person who says they have no regrets. It's a nice idea, but hard to achieve.

Your wordsmithery continues to impress and move me!

Anne Watkins said...

My father had a friend named Regret. And one named Raw, one Hambone, one Curly.

good poem.

Willym said...

As do we all cara, as do we all. You have such love and facility with language that constantly astounds me.

David said...

That's a perfect little poem. Duly memorised.

daphne said...

Haiku means a lot for me. .short but straight from the heart:0

Xena said...

I just stumbled across your blog when i was doing some online stalking..i mean, researching of the Chinese pop star, Kris Phillips (Fei Xiang), and came across your post about his sister Anya.
This poem is beautiful and conjures up such great imagery, i love this! Are you a published author/poet? I want to go look for your work now :)

Btw, I have many regrets, at just 23, I used to..and still dwell on them a lot, it's nothing special really--just the typical story of parents being too controlling and overprotective of my life, and me being too intimidated to make big decisions independently of their opinions. But I've realized, everyone lives life with regrets, I shouldn't dwell on them. You miss a lot in life by dwelling on the past. Thanks for this poem, it got me to think :)