Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fashion Survivor: Goodwill

I was vegging out this evening, watching Tim Gunn's Guide to Style. This was after I had spent a portion of the day at Goodwill buying clothes for my new-to-school-but-growing-like-a-weed twelve year old. And some for myself, e.g. a sky-blue Pashmina! Now ladies, I think any one of us could look completely fabulous if a world-famous fashionista took us under his wing (and, more to the point, into his expense account) and dolled us up. A much more interesting (though much less fantasy inducing) show would be for someone to challenge Tim Gunn to do a total make over on some normal woman, but have him be limited entirely to thrift, consignment, and discount clothing stores. I'd like to see him pawing through the polyester hodge podge on the Goodwill racks, tossing off incisive sartorial advice while treasure hunting - "Ladies,If you're top heavy avoid the 80s shoulder-pad leopard-print shirts!" - and pouncing triumphantly on that Barney's New York sweater (I really found one!) or that Donna Karan tank. I think, toe-to-toe, on my home turf, I could take him.

1 comment:

mumbliss said...

I have no doubt. You rock. You've got it all, style, taste, knowledge and necessity.
Have you tried ebay lately? I have done very well for me and mine. My weakness has always been falling in love with the fabric, the cut, or the color of some object without understanding much about what will actually look good on my transforming body. I am learning, but the bottom of my full length mirror is blocked by a big pile of clothes. Teeeheeeheee Oh dear.
P.S. I am a little jealous of the Pashmina, It sounds gorgeous.