In Asia, where I grew up, in preparation for the new year, people clean their houses from top to bottom, prepare lots of food, buy all new clothes. They do this because they believe that the way you begin your new year is very important because it will be the way you live out the coming year. So, basically, people, I'm screwed. Apparently, in the coming year, my husband is going to be working (well, no surprise there. He's got a wee touch of the workaholism.), my house is going to be messy (again, no surprise there because I'm... me and I just can't figure out where the servants got to.), and other people's children are going to be projectile vomiting all over my house. (Note to the mom of said child: She was the sweetest, most apologetic of pukers.) After four kids, a little thing like vomit all over my hall and bathroom is just par for the course. But as I wiped it up, then gathered up the reeking towels and carried them to the basement to be washed, I thought of my childhood - where you tried not to even say one unhappy or angry word on new years day, where you were careful to have the first guest in your home be an honored and auspicious person - and I had to laugh. Oh well. It could be worse, right? All the kids, and the dog, could have been puking. Now where did those servants get to?
That is horrible, vomiting, yek. More power to you though. One of the guys I work with has a wife that was born in Haiti. They have some great ritualsdo. They all have to wear stripes or polka dots...can't remember but the one thing I do remember is she throws rice all over the house for good luck. That would drive me nuts, I would probably be walking behind her sweeping. Have a good Year.
A polite projectile puker?
But hopefully the wisdom of Asia is wrong on this, for me and you....otherwise I'll be spending my own new year in the suburbs watching television.
Glad to see I'm not the only one with servant problems..... just can't get the maid to do the dusting... oh wait a minute that would be me...
Happy New Year Elizabeth, as I've discovered over the past year chance meetings can bring so many good things into your life. Wishes for you and the entire gang chez vous.
Sageweb: Oh, it could have been, and has been, much worse. She wasn't vomiting on me!
I hope the rice she threw was raw!
Jason: She was a very sweet and mortified puker. It was really much worse for her than it was for me.
Every year I hope those crazy Asians are wrong, because i never do get everything just so. But then, oh dear, maybe that's why things are always a mess! Uh oh....
Will: here's the sad thing. Being a child of the diplomatic corps in Asia, I grew up with TONS of servants - cooks, drivers, maids, gardeners. So, though I joke about it, and though i haven't lived with servants for over 30 years, part of me still hopes that they're just around the corner, getting ready to clean it all up for me. Still waiting!
And it's been lovely getting to know you. My husband, who reads these posts and comments, and who is, like you, passionate about music, said the other day, "That Willym seems so nice. It would be really fun to meet him someday." And i most certainly agree.
Ah a dip brat - that explains it!!!!! LOL.
Actually as I write this our new maid is busily cleaning the bathrooms for Master Laurent's return. She's from the Philipines - she just started today and was really upset we hadn't called her before New Years.
We had a housekeeper full time in Warsaw and she ran the place - ask the dogs - we merely lived there. I really must blog about Christine one day.
Being on of those dumb Canadians I always have to clean up before the maid comes.
Would be nice to meet you guys too. Given the vagaries of life it may well happen.
Willym: Yes, sadly, it explains a lot about me. I can mix a drink, serve a canape, and greet a head of state without mussing my hair. But clean my own house? The horror, the horror.....
oh yuck. i don't do well with puking. i hope it is not a harbinger of things to come.
i don't know where my servants have run off to either. well, my weekly housekeeper, who is not a servant, but a goddess, has run off to mexico city. i thought she was due back this week but ~ alas ~ not til next week. by that time, i'll have been wallowing in this sty without assistance for four long weeks. it's dreadful and i will kiss her feet when i see her again.
happy new year cupcake . . .
Great. I'm fucked. My dog threw up on a white rug yesterday. I hope that's not a sign of things to come.
Oh, and check my Ex's house - I think the servants are there.
I knew there was a reason I didn't like your ex; He has MY servants!!!!
well, that explains it..im chinese...i just finished cleaning the house and doing 6 loads of laundry..and boy is my ass tired...i found my deamon..im a tiger..how cool is that?
uh, no puking for me though..an occasional fart maybe...
Granny: Tiger! The coolest!
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